Summary: On Thursday, September 7, the DWC issued modifications to the proposed regulations (CCR 9792.27.1, et seq.) governing the adoption of the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule drug formulary mandated by AB 1124 in 2015. The modifications address some of the comments received during the 1st 15-day public comment period that ended August 4. According to the DWC, the latest modifications include:
- Added language clarifying that a compounded drug is subject to the compounded drugregulation even if it includes an active ingredient listed as “Exempt” on the MTUS Drug List
- Removed a provision relating to repackaged drugs
- Updated MTUS Drug List header text to match the regulatory language on the Perioperative period definition
CWCI is reviewing the revised regs, and will compile input from members and provide written testimony during the current 15-day public comment period, which ends at 5 p.m. on September 22. In the meantime, the notice of modification of text of proposed regulation and related rulemaking documents are posted on the DWC rulemaking web page.
SAVE THE DATE! — CWCI will present a webinar on the new Formulary on October 4, 2017. Click here for full details!