

The California Workers’ Compensation Institute is now in its 55th year of operations. Because of its research capabilities, its reputation, and its broad-based industry perspective, CWCI is uniquely positioned to provide data, practical analyses and real-world expertise on issues and trends affecting California workers’ compensation. Institute research, which is typically based on claims data collected from member companies, spotlights problems and concerns within the system, helps build consensus on practical solutions, and is often used to evaluate the impact of proposed changes. At the same time, CWCI provides a voice for industry perspectives and concerns through legislative and regulatory testimony and amicus briefs in key court cases, while the Institute’s information and publications, email alerts, committee meetings, regulatory tracking system and educational seminars allow members and others in the community to stay on top of new rules, regulations, statutes, case law, and pertinent events as they unfold.

How to Join

Membership in the Institute is divided into two categories: regular membership and associate membership.

Regular Membership

Regular membership in CWCI is limited to insurers licensed to write California workers’ compensation insurance. Membership provides full access to the Institute’s website (including all research, information and member-only materials, discounts on educational seminars and retail publications, and the ability to participate in benchmark initiatives and technical committees). Institute members also may participate in our member-only webinars and request CWCI staff presentations on recent research or the state of the California workers’ compensation system at leadership meetings or other forums. Insurer members pay annual dues of $100 and an additional assessment based on the amount of their California written premium. Regular members that choose to contribute to and participate in Institute research may do so at no additional cost. Insurers interested in joining the Institute should call CWCI at (510) 251-9470 or Click here to request further information via contact us.

Associate Membership

Associate membership in CWCI is limited to private or public employers who self-insure their California workers’ compensation liability. In addition to receiving access to the members-only section of our website, which includes Institute research, information, member-only publications, and discounts on educational seminars and retail publications, associate members are eligible to participate in CWCI ’s benchmark initiatives and to have representatives serve on the Institute’s standing committees. The annual assessment for associate members is based on their payroll plus annual dues of $50. Associate members that choose to contribute to and participate in Institute research may do so by paying a supplemental fee. Self-insured employers interested in joining the Institute should call CWCI at (510) 251-9470 or Click here to request further information via contact us.


CWCI publications are available to members at no additional cost, while others interested in following developments in California workers’ compensation can keep abreast of the most current activity by subscribing to CWCI Research Reports, Bulletins, and Significant Decisions. CWCI research reports are published periodically and include background information, as well as detailed analyses and graphics that explain the findings and significance of our studies. CWCI Bulletins explain topics of note to our members and others with an interest in workers’ compensation. Bulletins accompany all CWCI studies and often include technical details and exhibits from the research, but they are also used to report on regulations and legislation, industry problems and trends, research from other sources, and news affecting benefit delivery, medical care, claims handling, etc. Significant Decisions are summaries of significant court rulings affecting workers’ compensation, prepared by CWCI General Counsel. In addition to these publications, CWCI Bulletin/Research/Significant Decision subscribers also receive early notice of upcoming Institute programs and seminars. Click here to subscribe.