HomeNewsPress ReleaseCWCI Releases Volume XV of Case Law Defense/Negotiation Training Manual


Bob Young

For Press Release:

CWCI Releases Volume XV of Case Law Defense/Negotiation Training Manual

The California Workers’ Compensation Institute has released Volume XV of its Case Law Defense/Negotiation Training Syllabus listing key rulings (including case citations and notes) affecting Utilization Review, Independent Medical Review and Treatment; Permanent Disability; Psychiatric Injuries; and Lien Litigation; and reviewing recent updates to decisional law in a “What’s New” section. The manual also includes an appendix with significant decision summaries prepared by the Institute’s general counsel as well as links to opinions from 15 major cases.

The syllabus was developed for the CWCI’s 2013 Case Law Update seminar series, conducted in May – the 15th annual installment of that program. The syllabus provides a valuable reference and training tool for attorneys, claims staff, hearing reps, and others who need to know how recent trends in decisional law impact workers’ comp defense and negotiation strategies. The information is designed to help these professionals sharpen their strategic thinking and negotiation skills so they can work together more effectively in defending claims.

CWCI’s 2013 Case Law Defense/Negotiation Training Manual is available for $15 for Institute members, $20 for nonmembers and may be ordered from CWCI’s online store at http://www.cwci.org/.