California Workers Compensation IRIS Regional Score Cards [PDF]


CWCI’s Industry Research Information System (IRIS) Scorecards analyze various aspects of accident year 2005-2015 claims experience within 8 different regions of California. Each Score Card profiles claimant characteristics and highlights data compiled from claims filed by residents within the specific region. Exhibits include distributions of claims broken out by industry sector, premium size; claim type (medical-only, temporary disability, permanent disability); common “nature” and “cause” of injury categories; and primary diagnoses. Several exhibits, including the percentage of claims with permanent disability; attorney involvement rates; claim closure rates; calendar year 2014 prescription drug distributions; breakdowns of medical development by Fee Schedule Section at 12 and 24 months post injury; medical network utilization rates; notice and treatment time lags; and 12-, 24- and 36-month loss development tables compare results for the specific region against those for all other regions. Many also provide the combined statewide results, offering a wealth of detailed data not only on claims experience for the given region, but for the entire state.

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